Another letter from Patrick
No, this was not a recent letter and I didn't find it on top of any box. I had to dig for this. I kept it since 1978. This was the first (and only I believe) letter I ever got from him.
Joe Locantore and I moved to Tulsa to go to school.
Poor Patrick...the two coolest guys in his life were 1500 miles away.
School didn't work out. We were home a month later.
Patrick believed from that point on that it was okay to drop out of school. I tried to tell Joe we needed to set a good example and finish our education. Patrick picked the wrong role models. (Actually, he did get his "coolness" from us)
I wish he was here, reading this blog. I'm sure he would appreciate the humor.
Seriously though...for some strange reason, Patrick always looked up to me. I've never been sure why. When he and I meet again, I'll be sure to ask him.
that looks like a pic of me @ that age.
One of the first letters I got from Patrick after he moved to Alaska had stickers on it - inside and on the envelope.
It's wonderful how the best things about Patrick never changed.
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