Remembering Patrick

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On September 4, 2005, Patrick Kirk crossed over to a higher plane, at the age of 33. His ashes were interred at Harleigh Cemetery in Camden, N.J. Sept. 24

Monday, October 03, 2005

Tomorrow marks one month since Patrick stepped to a higher plane. So much has happened in the past 30 days - so many of our paths have been altered; several of us have found the life we led in August to be shelved for a new path: whether its the addition of a soulmate, or the sobering reflection after an injury or even the focus of a new family...

It's almost as if all this is happening for a reason. Each of us needs to appreciate our life. Just because it is just that ... life.

Thanks PK. :)


Blogger Fran said...

Your thoughts have been my thoughts for the last week.
Several things have happened that
made me say more than once...I believe this is all happening for a reason. What the reason is I have no clue. It's not mine to question why. Someday I will have my answers. It's what we do with the puzzle pieces to make them fit into each of our lives that will determine the big picture. I do know that my life "frame" has gotten bigger.
Love, Fran

6:00 AM  

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