Remembering Patrick

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On September 4, 2005, Patrick Kirk crossed over to a higher plane, at the age of 33. His ashes were interred at Harleigh Cemetery in Camden, N.J. Sept. 24

Thursday, September 08, 2005

From a Friend in Alaska

Here are some of my thoughts:

Patrick brightened my life in so many ways. He was a delightful, cheery fellow. I can recall some very funny stories and some teary ones also, which he shared with me. I still chuckle at the image of Patrick playing daily Bridge with Ross Perot's mother! He was the most thoughtful, considerate man I've ever met. He took great delight in other people's successes. I remember Patrick calling me at work one afternoon with great enthusiasm. He laughed and said, "Did you win, did you win last night? I have to know!"......I remember laughing so hard with him because he was as excited as I was over my win. We became a mutual admiration society, sharing with great joy our daily successes and encouraging each other when we were having a down day. I enjoyed hearing all of the details of his poker wins. He could recount each and every one of them to me in great detail. Patrick truly had a great love for the game. My husband, Norman, thought the world of Patrick. He often laughed at us recounting our many adventures at the poker table. As I am an only child, I had come to think very fondly of Patrick. We were like peas and carrots ;) There is now a large hole in my heart that cannot possibly be filled until I see my dear friend again. He's much loved and will be greatly missed by all of those whose lives he so beautifully touched.

Love, Tammy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still thinking of him..

7:54 PM  

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